
My name is Richter Sung. I am currently a ninth grade student. More importantly, I am a proud and happy member of the Math and Science Gifted Resource Class in my school.
Ever since I was young, I have always been very interested in both mathematics and science. Science experiments are particularly fun for me, especially physics-related ones. This was one of the main reasons I decided to take part in this competition.
The name “鏗鏗鏘鏘” came from the sound that the cylinders,used in my experiment, made when dropped onto a hard surface. Since it is a sound that is commonly considered noisy, I had the idea of turning that “noise” into the team’s name.
Since I have already presented the results of this experimentpreviously (in Chinese), I will have less trouble remembering the details compared to other teams that conducted their experiment recently.
Considering that this is a one-man team, no one will be able to step in and help me respond if I have trouble answering difficult questions from the judges,.
Good point